警探奈特3:独立 Detective Knight: Independence(2023)英文字幕 下载 SRT ASS_高清电影™

《警探奈特3:独立 Detective Knight: Independence(2023)英文字幕》

更新日期: 2023年05月09日 下载次数: 645  SRT ASS
电影:警探奈特3:独立 (Detective Knight: Independence)





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警探奈特3:独立 Detective Knight: Independence(2023)英文字幕预览

 Stay tuned.,We have all the greatest hits coming at you all weekend.,-First up-- -Come on, let's go, let's go!,Go, go, go, go!,Everybody on the fucking floor!,Keep your head fucking down!,Get down!,Fucking vault's open, let's go for it.,Now!,Let's go, let's go.,Come on, let's go.,Come on, let's get him.,Are you okay? Fuck!,-You all right? -I said no vault!,Look at all this fucking cash! A fucking stash!,You better hurry!,I just got shot. I said no vault.,-The fucking money is right here! -Fuck you!,The cops are coming.,-Look at all this cash on here. -Fuck you!,Let's go!,Fucking let's go, you crybaby!,Fuck! In a minute!,-Go, go, go! -Let's go, let's go, let's go.,-Go, go, go, go! -Fuck! It's the cops!,-Shit! No, not the cops. -Are you fucking kidding me?,You shouldn't have wasted time in the vault!,We gotta move. Let's go.,-Put the gun down! -We don't have time!,-Fuck it! -Fuck!,We have a cop down at Cruces and Church. Send a bus!,One suspect still in the area. On foot, heavily armed.,Knight, where the fuck you going?,We need to wait for backup.,Help me, please.,Get a bus out here now.,These are kamikaze, burn-out, born-to-lose motherfuckers.,Thanks for your expertise.,Shots fired. Shots fired.,We need backup. Right now! Shots fired!,Move, bitch!,Move!,-Drop it! -Fuck off!,She's got a fucking baby in the car, man! Drop the gun!,Fuck off! I will fucking kill you. Fuck off!,Drop it! Calm down, you're gonna be fine. You're gonna be okay.,-I'll fucking kill her. -You're gonna be fine.,-Drop the gun, please. -Get the fuck out of here.,-Just put it down. -Get me a goddamn helicopter.,-Put it down. Think about it! -I'll fucking kill her!,-No! -Drop it!,-No. Fuck off. -Drop the gun.,Drop it, old man.,Put the gun down, you old fuck.,Fuck.,Internal Affairs will conduct the review. You know the drill.,Thank you.,What and where?,This one's dead, the other one's inside.,Hey.,Hello, sir.,Sir, can you hear me?,Is he alive?,I don't hear anything. Must be the wind.,Lead the way.,It's the guy all shot up inside, you can't miss him.,Officer, I can take it from here. Thank you.,Sir, can you hear me?,Yeah? All right.,Okay.,Oh, fuck!,-Prep the bus. -He's not gonna make it.,-Oh. -Come on.,Come on!,Oh, fuck! What? What the fuck are you doing?,-Help. -Fuck, Dezi!,-Oh, my God! -Come on.,Are you two fucking old enough to be EMTs?,The pulse is, 50 bpm.,-The renal artery nicked. -Prep for surgery.,Sir, eyes open. Will you be able to tell me your name?,Tell me your name. Sir? Sir?,Okay. Make a hole, make a hole. We're coming through.,Get the trauma surgeon in. Where is Bradley? Get me...,You okay?,Can I bum a cig?,Oh.,How did you find it?,Oh, where is she?,You're the detective, you tell me.,You're right.,Once upon a time--,Once upon a time, I had a husband,who didn't give a shit about my feelings or my time.,I just want to talk to my daughter.,She's an adult.,She doesn't have to talk to you if she doesn't want to.,I'm better than ever, hell..
    She doesn't want to talk to you.,Her last text was two words, "bite me.",I'm trying to apologize.,What's that?,What does it look like?,She isn't a child.,She'll always be my kid.,Just-- you leave the bear. I'll make sure she gets it.,So, you were telling me about Turks and Caicos.,Hey, don't worry about him.,If there's one thing that he's good at, it's leaving.,Thanks everyone.,"Out of the night that covers me,"Black as the pit from pole to pole,"I thank whatever God may be,"For my unconquerable soul,"In the fell clutch of circumstance,"I have not winced or cried aloud,"Under the bludgeonings of chance,"My head is bloody, but unbowed,"Beyond this place of wrath and shade,"And yet the menace of years,"Finds, and shall find me, unafraid,"It matters not how strait the gate,"How charged with punishments the scroll,"I am the master of my fate,"And I am the captain of my soul.",Ahem. To Officer Rebecca Flanagan and Officer Edgar Cortez.,Good cops never die,,they just get promoted to the precinct in the sky.,Rest in power.,To Officer Flanagan and Officer Cortez.,Hear, hear. Next round is on me.,Thank you.,Two Budweisers.,I don't think I can drink.,Here you go, kid. Six bucks even.,Hey, asshole. The man just saved a life.,He's earned a free one.,I hate this place.,It has its charms.,-Fifteen bucks. -You said six.,Well, the tequila is 15.,What tequila?,-I don't see any tequila? -Whatever.,Don't roofie my drink.,Captain wants me pulling swing all week.,Tell the union.,-I should. -You know,,there are too many stupid people around here at this time,doing stupid things.,Hey, give me the Fourth over Halloween and Christmas any day.,A couple of kids shooting some fireworks?,No biggie for me.,You know, those fireworks set off every single alarm in Teslas,,every single building, from here to Anaheim.,It actually makes me miss New York.,And you're gonna have to deal with some bullshit phone calls.,Yo, Justin Bieber!,You eavesdropping right now?,Yeah, I'm busted. My name is Dezi. I--,Don't give a fuck.,This is a cop bar.,That's not a badge, is it?,EMT?,You think that means something?,Yeah, so...,I just have to save your sorry asses,,but I can't have a beer with you?,Too thick to make it as a doctor.,Look, I've got a lot of respect,for my blue-blooded brothers, right?,My mother was a guard.,So, your mother was a guard?,And you're bragging about that?,Guards. They're like the Irish us.,Oh, yeah. Are you Irish?,I hear that Irish girls are very easy.,How is your mother?,You must have shit for brains to step in front of me like this.,-Okay. -You're gonna have to go.,Well, I thought this was the land of the free.,-It ain't for you. -Yeah.,All right. I'll think I'll finish my beer. Thank you.,You have to go.,Oh, great. Yeah, there's a baseball bat.,-Get the fuck out of here. -Okay.,What is this, like a softball league?,You'll have to go, dude.,What's going on here? You wanna go? Sign me up, I'm down.,Give me the fucking baseball bat.,Come on, let's go.,What the fuck, Dez?,I love this country. I love it.,Let's go.,Someone call the police.,Concussion?,No, you're just stupid.,Why do you live in this shithole?,Well, you find me a cheaper place and I'll live there.,-Any breaks? -Pssh.,Nah.......

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