《气垫传奇 AIR(2023)英文字幕》
更新日期: 2023年05月14日 下载次数: 685 SRT ASS ♪ I want my ♪,♪ I want my MTV ♪,♪ I want my ♪,♪ I want my MTV ♪,Five! Four! Three!,Two! One!,Happy New Year!,You're on your way now.,Where's the beef?,♪ Now look at them yo-yos ♪,♪ That's the way you do it ♪,♪ You play the guitar on the MTV ♪,♪ That ain't working,that's the way you do it ♪,♪ Money for nothingand your chicks for free ♪,♪ Now that ain't working,that's the way you do it ♪,♪ Let me tell ya, them guys ain't dumb ♪,♪ Maybe get a blisteron your little finger ♪,♪ Maybe get a blister on your thumb ♪,♪ We got to install microwave ovens ♪,♪ Custom kitchen deliveries ♪,Converse All Star basketball shoes.,♪ We got to move these refrigerators ♪,♪ We got to move these color TVs ♪,♪ Hoover mover ♪,♪ Got to install microwave ovens... ♪,- Are you guys gonna go out for regionals?- Yeah, yeah.,- You getting pretty excited about that?,How you doing, Brandon? I'm Sonny Vaccaro.,I'm with Nike. It's good to see you.,I'll come down and say hello.,- Hey, Terence. How are you?- Hey, man.,- Thanks for the shoes.- Yeah, yeah.,They're looking really good.,I mean, everybody's gonna want you.,You're not gonna have a problem.,You're gonna get a scholarship.,That's gonna happen, right?,I hope so.,Hey, just don't forget about Nike.,Well, I'll see you guys at regionalsin two weeks, yeah?,- Yeah, all right.- All right.,All right, great game, guys.,Lucky, lucky, lucky...,All right, uh, game five tonight,,- six bets, hundred dollars each.- Okay.,Magic Johnson: under on points,over on assists.,James Worthy: over on points.Bob McAdoo: over on points.,Dennis Johnson: over on points.,And what's the over-under on Rambis?,- Just take the under.- Okay.,Uh, and ac-- one more, one more.,Uh, give me Lakers under, third quarter.,There you go.,Thank you.,The Boston Celtics,take a three-to-two leadin the World Championship Series.,Thank you for gambling at the Dunes,,the hotel, casino and country club.,Place all your bets. No more bets.,Hey, uh, press the four and the eight.,Give me four the hard way.,Dice away.,Dice are up.,- Four!,- Come on! -- Hard way four!,1,400 right there.,Yeah. 1,400?,Yeah, no, leave it up.,And dice away. Good luck, Mr. V.,- Seven up.,Line away.,♪ Let me go on ♪,♪ Like I blister in the sun ♪,♪ Let me go on ♪,♪ Big hands, I know you're the one ♪,♪ When I'm out walking, I strut my stuff ♪,♪ Yeah, and I'm so strung out ♪,♪ I'm high as a kite, I just might ♪,♪ Stop to check you out ♪,♪ Let me go on ♪,♪ Like I blister in the sun ♪,♪ Let me go on ♪,♪ Big hands, I know you're the one ♪,-- ♪ Body and beats ♪,♪ I stain my sheets ♪,-- ♪ I don't even know why ♪,-- ♪ My girlfriend ♪,♪ She's at the end ♪,♪ She is starting to cry ♪,♪ Let me go on ♪,- ♪ Like I blister in the sun ♪,♪ Let me go on ♪,♪ Big hands, I know you're the one... ♪,- You want some water, Sonny?- Why?,You breathing heavy.,Ah, you still can't shoot worth a damn.,- Another brick.- What about my players?,- I'm trying, I'm trying.- Well, when they coming?.
I-I can't-- just can't figure outwhy these kids want to take,less money to signfor a rival shoe company.,I mean, why would a kid from Baltimorewant to wear,German soccer shoes?,Because Adidas iswhat's hot right now, man.,The rappers are wearing themin the videos.,The break-dancers arebreak-dancing up in the Bronx.,They're on the floor breaking their anklesand their elbows for no reason.,And these kids ain't coolunless they got Adidas on.,And them some badass jogging suits, too.,You got to admit we can't touchtheir jogging suits.,I got my cousin in South Koreadone sent me two knockoffs.,I wear them on the weekends.I don't wear them up here.,What is wrong with Nike?,Nike is a damn jogging company, man.,Black people don't jog.,You ain't gonna catch no Black personrunning 26 miles for no damn reason.,Man, the cops probably pull you overthinking you done stole something.,'Cause these kids aretalking about Isiah and Magic.,They don't give a damn about Bruce Jenner,throwing a Frisbee aroundin a damn decathlon.,And people don't knowwhat the hell a Nike is.,What's a Converse?,NBA All Star shoe.,Play like Magic, dribble like Isiah.,That's what it is.,Man, do you know Run-DMC doinga song about Adidas?,What, who?,Run-DMC making a free song,coming out on their next albumabout Adidas.,Who's doing it?,See, that tells me somethingright there, Sonny.,Hey, when you signed Moses,how'd you do it?,Mary Malone. His mama.,I... She thought the world of me.,But, you know, I alwaysgo through the mamas, man.,The mamas run stuff,especially in Black families.,Man, we need some more players, Sonny.,You got to get me somebody else.,Well, we got Moses.,I know we got Moses, man.,I was up in the club with him3:00 in the morning last night,trying to get him out of there'cause he got a 5:00 practice.,I told him, I said,"Moses, you can't hoot with the owls,all night and fly with the eaglesin the morning.",Yeah, I could not do what you do.,I know you can't do what I do.,You can hardly do what the hellyou supposed to do.,Hey, one more chance.,You want that Adidas suitfrom South Korea?,No.,- Better not tell nobody neither.- No. No.,Phil better not come uptalking about no damn,,"Where's your Adidas suits?",I need my job, Sonny. Don't play.,Uh, shit, I'm late.,You hit one shot in 30 minutes.Let's get out of here.,I got to stop by my office.,Damn back and my knees are messing up now.,Hey, Sonny, look atthese damn posters down here.,They upstairs in the running departmentgot Picassos.,- No.- We got cartoons down here.,They don't give a damn about our division.,You know, I-I like the, uh...that new slogan,,the one for the whole companythat they're talking about.,- I don't like it.- What?,- You know where it came from?- No.,That damn slogan came froma convict about to get executed,in front of a firing squad,and they asked him,,"What's your last words?","Just do it"?,- Yeah.- That's where that comes from?,Yeah.,- Bullshit.- Dan Wieden told me, man.,He ain't got no reason to lie to me.,Ah, kind of a fitting metaphor,for the way basketballis viewed at this company.,I know. "Nike.Just get the shit over with.",- Ow.,What'd it say about me that I liked it?,That says that youa fat middle-aged white guy,that don't want to exercise.,That's fair.,So, Mr. Orwell was right.,1984 has been a tough year.,Our sales are down, our growth is down,,but this company is about,who we really arewhen we are down for the count.,Am I right, huh?,When you're down on the canvas,bang, we pop right back up.,Like Balboa.,We got the eye of the tiger.,We're not gonna go down to Mr. T.,Pity the fool. Here we go.,Olajuwon.,Off the table.,Number one pick is not gonna bewearing our shoe.,Sam Bowie?,Picked by our local pro franchise,uh, at number two.,He's gonna go to Converse.,And at number three,Jordan going to Adidas.,Can't afford him.......