血海狂鹰 The Eagle and the Hawk(1933)英文字幕 下载 SRT ASS_高清电影™

《血海狂鹰 The Eagle and the Hawk(1933)英文字幕》

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电影:血海狂鹰 (The Eagle and the Hawk)





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血海狂鹰 The Eagle and the Hawk(1933)英文字幕预览

 Bottoms up, boys.,And you call that a landing?,- Well, we're down, aren't we?- Yeah!,Yeah, we're upside down.,Well, I must've hit a bump.,Boy, you did.,You just made anotherlousy landing, that's all.,How do I get out of these...,Well, you ought to know.It's your sixth crack-up.,Well, what's that to you?,Nothing at all.Nothing at all.,Except that as a pilotyou're an A-one gunner.,Oh, yeah?I can fly all right.,Sure, sure.You make nice landings, too.,Well, nobody can flythese cock-eyed training hacks.,It's a cinch you can't.,- What's so funny?- You are.,Look at yourself.,Lay off!,All right, all right, all right.,You don't need to get upon your ear about it.,I'm just trying toteach you how to...,Well, you better seehow you can cluck those bullets,before you start telling mewhat to do.,Hiya, Mike.,What're you two guys doing,looking for angle worms?,- Yeah.- Well, you're out of season.,A lovely fella.What's the argument about?,This. He thinksit's a pretty good landing.,Well, what's the matter with it?,You're able to walk out of it,ain't you?,Yeah, if we can walk.,The Colonel wants youimmediately, sir.,- The Colonel, eh?- Yes, sir.,Well, my complimentsto the Colonel,,- and tell him to keep his shirt on.- Yes, sir.,Be a lovely war, you know, Mike,if it weren't for colonels.,Yeah, and the army.,Hold everything.Hold everything.,Listen, I got some terriblenews for you, gentlemen.,- We're going to France.- Who told you?!,Nobody told me.,I was peeking throughthe Colonel's keyhole.,Listen, the Colonel's givingJerry all the dope,,and he's on his way down here,can you imagine?,Oh, boy, this time tomorrowwe'll be up there,- taking a crack at 'em.- Yeah, and vice a-versa.,I say, Jerry, when are we going?,- Where are we going?- Who's going?,- What's this all about, anyhow?- Who told you?,- Little bird.- Mike?,Cheep-cheep.,Well, here's the dope.We leave at 7:00 in the morning.,What's the Colonel think,I've got insomnia?,That's no time to crawlout of a warm bed.,Make it noon.,The Colonel asked meto give you the list.,- Thomas? Travers?- Yes,sir.,- Galway?- Halfway to France.,- Wilson?- Here.,- Baxter?- Rather.,- Smith?- Smythe, If you don't mind. But I'm here.,- Harrods? Richards?- Present.,Who, me?,Boy, I don't have to gothe dentist tomorrow.,There's your list, gentlemen.,Let's go!,I tell you what we do...We go to Prince's for dinner,and we go on to Murray'safterward.,Hey, haven't you forgottensomething?,I don't get you.,Well, my name'snot on that list.,What did you have to do with it?,Well, uh, the Colonel asked meif I thought you could fly...,Sure, I know.And you told him I couldn't.,Now, listen, Hank.,You're the best gunnerin the bunch,,but you're gonna kill yourselfif you keep on trying to fly.,Well, it's my life, ain't it?,You couldn't mindyour own business.,Had to queer the one thingI wanted to do.,- You got me grounded.- No, no, no.,No, you're gonna be an observer.,An observer, huh?,That'll be fun.,I'm gonna stay here in England,and you're going to France.,Well, take this with you.,Hogan? Hogan!,Hello!,Here's your replacements.,- Where?- Up there.,S'truth.,Here we are!,Oui, oui!La Belle France!,on, boy!,Oh, boy, wonder how farwe are from Paris?,Did you see those shellsbusting up there?,Reminds me of the Fourth of Julyin Paducah..
    I hope they send us over today.,Yeah, well if they do, I wannaget back in time for supper.,- Is this the, uh...- Let me handle it.,Comment ca va?,Nous sommes lea deux aviateurs,from le Squadron overthe, um,Ang/eterre.,Well, vouies-vous announcer nous,a la commandant tres vite?,Didn't know I spoke French,did you?,No.Do... do you?,Are you two gentlementhe new replacements?,Yeah, I guess we are.,I'll have your kit sentover right away, sir.,Hogan! Take these gentlemento their quarters.,Thought this was France.,Mr. Kingsford,this is Mr. Young,,- your new pilot, sir.- Glad to see you.,I'm glad to be here.,Well, dump your stuffand make yourself at home.,- Thank you.- Just arrived?,- Yes, just.- Yeah?,— You mind if I wash up a bit?— Go ahead.,- I'll get some hot water, sir.— Oh, fine.,- Here's a clean towel.- Thank you.,Have a good trip over?,Yes, fine, thanks.,I say, you're an American,aren't you?,Yes.How did you guess?,- Mr. Young, sir?- Right here.,Major Dunham would like to seeyou at once, sir.,You take off in ten minutes,Mr. Kingsford.,- Thanks.- Ten minutes, eh?,Hey, better takeyour flying gear.,We're going to do a show.,Are we?Right away?,Yes.,Don't waste any time, do they?,Hey, Mike.,What?,They send for you, too?,You don't think I'm callingthe Major for fun, do you?,Come on, let's get in there.,— Major Dunham?- Yes, that's right.,We're Young and Richards, sir.,Oh, yes.Oh, the two Americans.,Yes, how are you?Glad to have you with us.,How was your trip across?Tiresome?,Not at all.,In fact, I could go back againright away.,How's everything in London?,The last we saw ofPiccadilly Circus, air,,things seemed to be sort ofgoing around and around.,And around.,Things go round and roundover here, too, sometimes.,You've got only one job here,,and that's to take photographsand to bring then back.,Now, that means flyingclose to the ground,,where the enemy can shoot atyou with everything he's got.,- Everything?- Everything.,Yes, come in, Kingsford.,The ship's ready, air.,There's a new...A new enemy battery reported.,6-4, H-3.,Now, GHQwants photographs at once,,and Kingsfordhere's an old hand.,You do the flying,and he'll do the rest.,- We'll get 'em for you, sir.- That's the stuff. Off you go.,- Good luck to you.- Thank you.,Well, good clay, sir.,Oh, one moment.,I'll give you your instructionsin a few minutes.,I can hardly wait.,Gee, this is swell.,I didn't have any ideaI'd get to go up so soon.,Rather sudden.,- What?- Well, that let's me out.,Look, Mike, do you wantto go up in my place?,Oh, no, thanks, I'm tired.,Boy, seven months of training,for this first minute of action.,Yeah, seven months.I need seven years.,- Nervous?- Oh, you know, just a little.,If his heart wasn'tin his mouth,,you could hearhis teeth chatter.,This is an easy one.,Jump over the line and keepyour eyes open,and if you see anythingyou think I haven't seen,,hit me, I'll do the same.,Oh, we'll be all right.,I know I'll be all right,because I'm staying here.,If you come back,I'll be waiting for you!,Major Dunham's orders, sir.You take off immediately.,- Who, me?- Yes, sir.,Well...,Hey, Mike!I 90t one!,1 qot two!,Tell me about it!You got two?!,- Yeah!- Boy, that's terrific! How'd you do it?,How about you?Did you get back all right?,Well, look at me.Here I am.,Two arms, two legs,two of everything.,- See anything?- Well, the last time I opened my eyes,......

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