强震 Planetquake(2024)英文字幕 下载 SRT ASS_高清电影™

《强震 Planetquake(2024)英文字幕》

更新日期: 2024年10月27日 下载次数: 137  SRT ASS
电影:强震 (Planetquake)





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强震 Planetquake(2024)英文字幕预览

 PJ, this is Captain Vogel.Do you read me? Over.,Loud and clear, Captain.Over.,PJ, start initiatingyour ascent.,That typhoon that'’sbeen developing,off the NorthwesternPacific basin,is picking up speed.,Our return time hasincreased by three hours.,We need to get youup top, over.,Aye-aye, Captain.But, uh, I haven'’t finished,securing the warhead.I am on the last panel.,I know, and I'’ve made the call.,We'’ll finish it tomorrow.,Yes, but, uh, this willdelay our schedule.,PJ, this area was a testingzone during World War II.,Until those fishermen foundthat dead marine life,,this area was just finefor 75 years. Over.,Yes, Captain, but we shouldat least chain it,,you know, just in case.,I mean, you said toyourself the typhoon...,Okay, PJ, you havefive minutes to chain it,and then you have tostart making your ascent.,That is an order.,Copy?,Copy that, Captain.,All right.,[rumbling],[beeping],[crashing],Uh, Captain, I almostlost the drillhead.,This rock formation hereis different in this area.,I don'’t know.,It'’s, it's softer or weaker.,I cannot continue to workon this,with the equipmentI currently have.,I'’m going to startthe ascent. Over.,Understood.Start the ascent. Over.,Captain, there is arip current developing.,I'’m fighting to control the sub.,There is a lot of movementon the ocean floor.,My visibility is zero and mymonitors are cutting in and out.,Whoa, whoa, whoa,what do you mean movement?,PJ, you'’re in extremelyclose proximity,to a potentially livenuclear explosive.,Look, I can be your eyes,,but I need to know exactlywhat'’s going on down there.,I have regained visibility and Iam continuing the ascent. Over.,PJ.,PJ? PJ!PJ, come in.,Coast Guard, do you copy?,This is Vogel from Ocean Cleanat the Mariana Trench .,We have a problem inthe Challenger deep.,I say again, we have a problemin the Challenger deep. Over.,Coast Guard, Mayday, Mayday,Mayday!,[explosion],Milly.,Hey, have youseen what'’s going on?,Hey, sorry, Peter.,Sophie'’s about to land,,I'’m trying to plan this whole,end of the school,Okay, but there'’ssomething happening.,See what'’s happening.,Okay, I'’m not going to be backbefore the end of the day.,So if you could justsend out the reports,,make sure the data goes out,gets backed up.,I know you'’vedone this all before,,but just keep me posted, okay?,Milly, there'’ssomething happening.,There'’s more.,Wait, what is that?,Why are we spikingin the Philippines?,We initially saw a movementof the fault line,at the Mariana Plate here.,-You can see.-Wait, no.,This doesn'’t make any sense.,How is the first recordedreading so large?,We haven'’t picked up anyforeshocks that would indicate,an earthquake ofthe size is coming.,Nothing leading up to this.,What was the magnitudewhen it first hit?,Initially it hit a3.4 in the Richter.,Nothing out of the ordinary.,Then it dropped and we hadsome smaller activities.,Then it picked up a 6.1.,Then a 7.3 and then an 8.,If this keeps increasing...,-An 8?-Yes.,Are you sure these are accurate?,We gotta go.,Yeah, we triple checked forany and all anomalies.,Once it hit a 7.3, it startedjumping around again.,I haven'’t figuredout a pattern yet,,but the readings aresteadily climbing.,We'’re lucky it didn'thit near land.,Guam and the Mariana islandsare on tsunami watch now.,Peter, the largest recordedearthquake is a 9.5,and you'’re sayingthis started at an 8.,And it'’s still climbing..
    I mean in theory, we could passa 9.5 but not in our lifetime.,The fault linesdon'’t shift that fast.,-At least they shouldn'’t.-I know.,Also, the DHS and FEMA havebeen both requesting,minute to minute projectionson evacuation contingencies.,One second, this just happened.,How are the quakes all along thering of fire already so large?,I'’m not sure,that'’s why we need you.,You picked up onlyone initial amplitude.,How did one earthquakehit all of these places?,They are 2000 miles apart.,No, this is too bigto be an earthquake.,This is more like an explosion.,Yeah, that'’s whatthe news is saying.,At first they thoughtan oil rig exploded,and caused chain reaction.,Now they'’re sayingit'’s something bigger.,A firm, hired to clean upnuclear weapons,,somehow startedthese earthquakes.,Nuclear weapons?,Old nuclear like World War IIin the Challenger Deep.,Their operation disturbedthe Pacific,,the Philippines, andthe Australian plate lines,,and triggereda massive earthquake.,The motion from the convergentplates caused the waste,to go directly upinto Earth'’s upper mantle.,This explosioncaused these quakes.,The Bikini Atoll tests.,-Yeah.-[phone rings],Oh.,Hi, sweetheart.I'’m just calling.,Josh, listen, we picked upvery large, irregular readings,,and there are earthquakesall along the ring of fire.,[rumbling],[clamoring],Go, go, go!,[screaming],Milly?Milly?,-You okay?-Yeah, yeah, I'’m here.,What is it?What'’s going on?,I'’m not sure yet.,It'’s caught uscompletely off-guard.,There'’s large platemovement in Asia.,And all alongthe ring of fire.,We need to figureout an interval time.,And we need to get incontact with Sophie.,Just keep doing whatyou'’re doing, it'll call her.,I think her flight'’sstill in the air.,I'’ll let you knowthe second I have an update.,-I love you.-I love you, too.,[sighs],Peter, do you havethe projection mapping?,So I fed the readingsinto an AI algorithm,to plot hypothetical movement.,All right, I input everythingwe picked up so far.,The Philippines, Taiwan, Japan.,And don'’t forgetabout Australia.,Australia, got it.,[beeping],There'’s activity at the westernedge of the Pacific Plate.,In 72 hours the easternside of the Pacific Plate,will have the sametectonic shift.,The entire west coastof the U.S.,and the knock-on effectwould include Central America.,All experiencing earthquakesstarting at 8.0.,It'’s working its way aroundthe Pacific Rim towards us.,When it gets here...,The destructionwould be...,Unfathomable.,[phone rings],All right, Peter,I have to take this.,Call Gayle at FEMA.,Make sure she'’s upto speed on everything,and make sure they havethe latest projections.,-Mom...-Sweetheart.,Forget about baggage claim.,Mom, we'’re still in the air.,We'’re being divertedto another airport,,but it hasn'’t beenallocated yet.,What did the crew say?,The captain made an announcementabout some earthquake in Seattle,and then that we were waitingfor an alternate runway.,What'’s going on?,Sophie, therewas an earthquake.,And the runway'’sare most likely damaged,or full of grounded planes.,Stay calm and just dowhat they tell you, okay?,Excuse me, Miss.,We ask that you refrainfrom using mobile devices,while we'’re circling.Thank you.,Sorry.I'’m on the phone with my mom.,Just tell your momthat you love her,and be off by the timeI come back around.,Oh, no, but I--,Hey, just listen towhat the crew says.,Please call us assoon as you'’ve landed,and your dad will comeand pick you up.,Save as much battery poweras you can,and if you see anywater bottles,,put them in your bag, okay?,Okay, Mom.I love you.,I love you, too.......

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