《珍爱 Precious中英字幕》
更新日期: 2025年02月21日 下载次数: 121 SRT ASS 世界万物都是宇宙给予的恩赐Everything is a gift of the universe.,1987年 哈莱姆[纽约黑人住宅区],我叫克拉丽丝·珍爱·琼斯My name is Claireece Precious Jones,我希望有个帅哥男友I wish I have a nice-looking boy friend,,还有一头靓丽的头发and really nice hair,我还想成为杂志的封面人物and I wanna be on the cover of magazine.,不过我想先成为MTV主角But first, I wanna be the one on the MTV videos.,妈妈说我不能跳舞Mama said I can't dance,,还说谁愿意看你扭那么大的屁股跳舞啊plus she said who wanna see my big ass dancing anyhow.,既然没人自愿回答 那我就开始叫人了Well, there is no volunteers, then I'm gonna have to call people.,拉迪亚 你来回答第一题Okay, Leticia. You got number 1.,拉迪亚...Leticia, just...,我希望自己是聋子I like deaf.,那我就可以不用说话I'll say nothing.,只要把书翻开 坐着就行I'll open my book and just sit there.,每天我都对自己说Every day I tell myself,,今天不会有意外降临nothing gonna happen.,我不会有所改变Hey, I'm not gonna break through.,但我希望会有人来改变我But somebody is gonna break through me.,我可以像正常人一样I'll be normal.,认真听讲And pay attention,,坐在教室的前排and sit in the front of the class.,会有那么一天吧Someday.,我喜欢维彻先生I like Mr. Wicher.,我幻想他是我的丈夫I pretend him to be my husband.,我们居住在西切斯特这样的地方And we'll live some place like West Chester.,瞧他Look at him.,他也喜欢我 我知道的 He liked me too. I know it.,我可以从他的眼神中看出来I could tell by his eyes.,他总是微笑地看着我 He's always looking at me, smiling at me.,孩子们 孩子们 Boys, boys, boys. ,谁他妈是你的孩子Who's your fucking boy.,你影响了其他同学 You're disrupting the class. ,你又没在讲课You are't talking that.,你他妈的闭嘴 认真听讲Shut the fuck up and try to listen.,维彻先生知道我本性善良Mr. Wicher know that I wasn't bad.,把书翻至第122页One twenty-two.,杰斯 你为什么发出那种声音Why are we barking, Jess.,星期一的作业Monday's assignment,,我想你们每人都做了I'm assuming everyone did it.,大家请安静...珍爱...Please, Precious...uhm...everyone, quiet!,珍爱Precious!,把你的东西带上 到这儿来Get your things and, come here for a second.,可别有什么事Do not issue.,有谁作业做好了吗Has anybody who did do their homework?,为什么Why?,这不是请求 These aren't requests, ,这是对你们的要求 明白吗these are requirements, okay?,你去一下校长办公室吧Can you go to the Principal's office?,够了 That's enough.,够了That's enough.,不行 他不能进入校园No. He is not allowed in campus.,你在哪儿看见他的Where was he seen?,麻烦你告诉25教室的托佛先生Could you get Mr.Trove from Room 25,,让他即刻去16教室 谢谢tell him to go to Room 16 right away. Thank you.,不是 人们是在二楼看见他的No, he was seen on the second floor.,是的 谢谢Yes. Thank you.,克拉丽丝来了吗Is Claireece in here?,你可以进去了She's ready for you now.,泰勒先生 我是莱克斯汀夫人Mr Taylor, Mrs. Lichtenstein.,进来吧Come in.,马修·威廉姆斯在二楼Matthew Williams, second floor.,就在他的储物柜前In front of his locker.,他上周就停学了Yes, suspended last week.,是的 当然 谢谢Yes, absolutely. Thank you.,克拉丽丝 你好Hello, Claireece.,你怀孕了是吗Are you pregnant?,你才16岁You're 16.,还是个初中生You're still in junior high school.,可你竟然又怀孕了And you are pregnant with your second child.,我说的没错吧 克拉丽丝Is that correct, Claireece?,你是不是又怀孕了Are you pregnant again?,到底发生了什么 克拉丽丝What happened, Claireece?,我跟人做了 莱克斯汀夫人I had sex, Mrs. Lichtenstein,克拉丽丝 你知道现在的处境吗Do you have any other thoughts about your situation, Claireece?,克拉丽丝Claireece.,那是我自己的事My own trouble.,谢谢Thank you.,我得回去上数学课了I'll have to get back to math.,克拉丽丝 坐下 Sit down, Claireece. ,马上给我坐下Sit down right now!,你 你妈妈还有我We should have a parent-teacher,应该召开一个家长会conference with you, me and your mother.,我妈很忙My mother's busy.,好吧 我去你家 行吗All right, well then how about if I come to your house?,如果我是你 就不会去If I were you, I wouldn't.,我不得不让你停学I...I'm going to have to suspend you.,真他妈的不公平 我又没做错什么Damn unfair, I do nothing.,我按时完成作业I do finish my works.,我的学分良好My grades are good.,你家里发生了什么事吗Something's going on at home?,是不是你家里有事 请你现在就告诉我Is something going on at home? I want you to tell me right now.,你抽了我的烟吗You get my cigarettes?,没有 爸爸No, Dad. I haven't.,我拿来玩多米诺了 你看盒子里有没有I played the Domino, look out the box,爸爸爱你Your Daddy loves you.,珍爱 你怎么看这部电影Precious, what did you think it's a film?,太棒了I thought it was fabulous..
你下一部作品是什么What's next for you?,你感觉怎么样How are you feeling?,我感觉太棒了I feel great!,再签一个 就一个Just one more, one more.,我也爱你们I love you too.,我爱你I love you.,兄弟们 我爱你们I love you. Hey, bros.,好了 起来吧All right, go sit in the ?,叫那个混蛋别再按门铃了Tell that asshole stop ringing my bell.,我讨厌那些恶作剧的人I hate crackers.,除了恶作剧 没人会按门铃No one would ever ring this bell except for crackers.,你他妈的到底想干吗Why do you fucking with us?,别按了 你个混蛋Stop ringing the god damn buzzer, you motherfuckers.,这些人真是讨厌Gotta get all bad name.,你他妈别再按门铃了Stop ringing the god damn buzzer!,行了 行了Stop it! Stop it!,蠢货 按接听键Press "Listen", stupid.,我是桑德拉·莱克斯汀It's Sondra Lichtenstein ,我找克拉丽丝和玛丽·约翰逊夫人for Claireece and Mrs. Mary Johnson.,珍爱 那是谁Who is that, Precious?,学校里的一个泼妇One bitch from school.,你想干吗What'd you want?,克拉丽丝 我想谈谈你的学习Claireece, I want to talk to you about your education.,我不想谈It was not gonna be.,我妈不希望失去救济金My mother don't wanna get caught off welfare,,可这是这次家访的主题that's what just this visit was all it.,莱克斯汀夫人 Mrs. Lichtenstein, ,趁我还没骂人前 赶紧给我走get out of here before I kick your ass.,克莱丽丝 我和维彻先生谈过Okay, Claireece, I spoke with Mr. Wicher,他说你的数学成绩非常优秀and he told me that you're one of his best math student.,如果你不把那个女人赶走...If you fail to get this bitch away from here...,他说你有很大的潜力Like a potential amount.,所以我给尼克莱特夫人打了电话 So I call Mrs. Nicknight, ,她是高等选修教育的负责人from higher educational alternative,,就是一对一教育"Each One Teach One".,那是一所选修学校An alternative school.,克莱丽丝 你在听吗Claireece, are you listening to me?,-听着呢 -那就好- Yeah. - Okay!,尼克莱特夫人Mrs. Nicknight,,一对一教育"Each One Teach One",它位于125大街It's located at the 11th floor,,特丽莎宾馆的11楼Hotel Theresa, 125 Street.,-让那婊子滚远点 -在11楼- Get away of that bitch. - It's located at the 11th floor.,我刚才已经听清楚了I heard you the first time.,那就好Okay.,我不知道什么是选修学校I don't know what alternative school is.,不过我想知道I feel I wanted to know.,我的内心无比温暖My heart is all warm inside.,因为维彻先生认为我是好学生Mr. Wicher thinks I'm a good student.,我知道了人生的意义I knew the life mean.,学校帮不了白痴School ain't gonna help nut.,你给我好好混混救济金就行Take your ass down to the welfare.,你他妈的以为她是谁Who the fuck you think she is?,你现在是不是觉得自己很可爱啊So I guess you think you are cute now, right?,丑陋的婊子Oh, ugly bitch.,你他妈的早该把嘴闭紧了You should have kept your fucking mouth shut!,只管生你的孩子就行Just keep on giving you more children to give me.,你他妈的还以为自己很特别啊You think you are some fucking special?,你们全他妈给我滚蛋Fuck you and fuck him!,珍爱Precious!,珍爱Precious!,珍爱Precious!,你给我下来 贱人Get down here, bitch!,你都把那个白人带来了You brought that white bitch up into my house!,你怎么不让那婊子直接进来啊You, why don't you bring that bitch up in here!,不是我带来的I didn't bring her here.,那她为什么不停地按我的门铃So why the fuck did she ring my buzzer?,珍爱 我听不清你说的I can't hear you, Precious,,你他妈给我靠近一点Since you got so much motherfucka mouth.,你不希望她进这个屋子And you won't bring that bitch up in my house.,那她为什么不停地按那该死的门铃Why would that bitch ring my god damn buzzer?,又不是我叫她来的I didn't call her to come here.,你现在是不是觉着See, I think...right now,,自己是个成熟的女人了You feel like you've become a little grown woman?,我可看见了你在厨房干的好事'Cause I shot you porn in the kitchen.,我真不应该饶了你I should have fuck you up,,但我还是放过你了but I let you walk away.,让你自己去整理这一切And I let you come to get yourself together,,贱人 我可警告你了but bitch, I'm gonna let you know,如果你再把屎盆子扣我头上if you even pour that shit on me again,,你他妈就死定了that would be your last motherfucking day standing.,我保证I promise you that.,你竟然把一个白种女人引来You wanna send a white bitch to my motherfucker buzzer,,谈什么高等教育talk about some higher education.,你真他妈的脑子有问题You are a dummy bitch.,你什么都不知道You will never know shit,,没人想要你 没人需要你Don't know nobody want you, don't know nobody need you.,你他妈跟我男人有一腿You know fucking around fuck my mother fucking man,还操他妈的有了2个孩子and had two motherfucking children.,其中一个还跟畜生一个样And one of them is a godamm animal,,到处鬼混running around looking crazy as a mother fucker.,婊子 我觉得...Bitch, you know what, see I think you...,我觉得你这是在考验我I think you try me,,我觉得你真的是在玩弄我I think you really try to fuck with me.,你他妈的浪费我的钱You are fucking with my money,你竟然那么高高在上地看着我and you would stand up there looking down at me,你他妈的以为你是钱啊like your mother fucking money.,我得给你颜色看看I'll show you what real women do bitch!,你他妈的不知道一个做娘的重担So you don't know what real mother fucking woman do.,你他妈的不知道一个女人牺牲了多少Real mother fucking woman sacrifice.,当初真该他妈的把你做了I should have aborted your mother fucking ass,我操你妈个逼的'cause you were shit.......